neděle 27. října 2013

A little bit about me.

Dear readers,

First of all I would like to Introduce myself. My name is Jan Vojtek, born in 1995, I am from Brno, Czech Republic and currently I study piano in Budapest at Béla Bartók conservatory of Music. However, I am also very interested in Aviation (since I was 7), and particulary in airline business for the last about 6 years. Since then I am an autodidact in this teritory, wrote for example a work about developing regional airports and currently working on a business case of a small airline based in Brno. While doing this kind of work, I meet and think about new trends in aviation, different kinds of airline business models and many other things related to airline business. In this blog, I would like to share part of my knowledge and thoughts from this teritory, but also comment on articles about airline trends, start-ups in Central Europe to share my opinion about these or, for those, who are not very familiar with the problematics, help them to understand all sorts of issues.

Airline business is however not the only teritory I am interested in. I have very wide circle of interests (just not on as high level as airline business), that is why from time to time, I will also write about topics not related to airline business, such as culture, education, ecology, etc.

"A Business must me involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts" (Richard Branson) 

For those, who would like to follow the project of the new airline, I recomend to like :

For those, who would like to follow me as a pianist, I recomend to visit :

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